
When You Read A Cheesy Romance Novel…

Hey y’all!

Here it goes: my second post. So lately, I’ve been reading quite a few YA contemporary romance novels (the incredibly cheesy ones of course). It might be that I’m reading books by similar authors, but I’m beginning to find that a lot of the story lines are exactly the same. Don’t get me wrong, I still love these books (why else would I keep reading them). I’m also not trying to generalize them in any way, although… I sort of am. So here’s seven things you might feel when you read these books:

  1. You meet the main character and instantly love their personality. 
  2. Then a possible love interest enters the story and you faint. 
  3. You marvel at the characters’ stupid decisions. 
  4. You squeal with joy when they finally become a couple. 
  5. And then they break up for a little while… 
  6. But they always end up coming back for each other.
  7. And you weep your heart out when it’s over.

So again, this is based on my personal experience with these books, and I still love them very much. Anyways, see y’all next time!

Love, Sarah

2 thoughts on “When You Read A Cheesy Romance Novel…”

  1. For a book series LIKE this (with all your reactions) .. Girl Online series by Zoe Sugg & The Potion Diaries series by Amy Alward

    Have fun, I loved those.

    Liked by 1 person

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